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The paper presents the results of the research in obtaining a colloidal additive on the basis of aluminosilicate minerals for cement modification. It ...
Issue №5, 2022
Section: Science and production
Keywords: Portland cement, synnyrites, colloid additive, modifier, sol-gel technology, modification of cement stone
Autor: L.A. Urkhanova, E.V. Dorzhieva, E.V. Gonchikova, A.B. Tsydenova.
The paper presents the results of research into the feasibility of using mature tungsten ore tailings after repreparation from the Ingichkin deposit a...
Issue №6, 2017
Section: Waste utilization
Keywords: waste of enrichment of tungsten ores, additive to cement, hardening, structure formation, cement stone, clinker saving, ecology
Autor: M.I. Iskandarova, F.B. Atabaev.
This article describes the results of cement com- posites nanomodifier research. The strength and water impermeability increasing were achieved with u...
Issue №5, 2007
Section: Science and production
Keywords: nanoadditives, calcium silicate hydrate, cement stone, zeolite
Autor: A.S. Korolev, E.Sh. Khakimova, D.V. Makridin, E.A. Voloshin.
The article, based on comprehensive investigations, gives the results of these investigations describing the effect of cement type and of its hardenin...
Issue №6, 2007
Section: Science and production
Keywords: clinker, mineralogy, cement stone
Autor: Т.V. Kuznetsova.
The article considers the interrelation between the structure of cement stone during its formation at the stage of hydration and the rate of hydration...
Issue №1, 2007
Section: Application of cement
Keywords: hydration, retarder, cement stone
Autor: Yu.A. Belentsov.
Rapid destruction of pavement concretes is due to a combination of mechanical and environmental impacts, exacerbated by the use of defrosting agents. ...
Issue №6, 2011
Section: Concrete
Keywords: road concrete, hydrated phases of cement stone, structure, frost solt resistance
Autor: B.Ya. Trofimov, S.P. Gorbunov.
A study was made of hydration of mixed cements including Portland cement clinker and some silica-containing materials. Differences were identified in ...
Issue №4, 2010
Section: Science and production
Keywords: Mixed binders; granulated blast furnace slag; ash-slag waste; cement hydration; strength growth of cement stone
Autor: V.A. Svidersky, V.V. Tokarchuk, N.E. Sobolev, S.N. Chepurko.
The process of cement hydration was examined using radio spectroscopy of 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-hydroxypiperidine-1-oxyl spin labels. A suggestion was ...
Issue №6, 2010
Section: Science and production
Keywords: hydration; radio spectroscopy of spin labels; a hydration route; durability of a cement stone
Autor: Ye.A. Fanina, A.N. Lopanov.
The results of investigation of the influence of carbon-silica nanomodifier (CSN-modifier) obtained by a sonochemical method from the product ...
Issue №2, 2013
Section: Concrete
Keywords: schungite rocks, ultrasonic dispersion, carbon-silica nanomodifier, cement stone, cement-sand composite
Autor: N.P. Lukuttsova, A.A. Pykin, E.V. Degtyarev, S.V. Shirko.
The results of investigation of the influence of carbon-silica nanomodifier (CSN-modifier) obtained by a sonochemical method from the product ...
Issue №3, 2012
Section: Concrete
Keywords: schungite rocks, ultrasonic dispersion, carbon-silica nanomodifier, cement stone, cement-sand composite
Autor: N.P. Lukuttsova, A.A. Pykin, E.V. Degtyarev, S.V. Shirko.

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