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Features of the transition to technological standardization in the field of environmental protection in the Russian Federation based on the concept of...
Issue №6, 2022
Section: Ecology and safety
Keywords: Best Available Techniques, Reference Document on Best Available Techniques, technological regulation, Integrated Environmental Permits, Environmental Performance Enhancement Programmes, environmental selfmonitoring, marker parameters, greenhouse gas emissions
Autor: Ye.N. Potapova, T.V. Guseva, I.O. Tikhonova, Ye.M. Averochkin.
AO Sebryakovcement continues a large-scale technical re-equipment of its production capacities. The reconstruction of the process line No. 8 of the co...
Issue №5, 2022
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: technical re-equipment, dry process, cement mill, emissions monitoring
Autor: S.P. Rogachev.
Russian legislation stipulates the necessity to equip rotary kilns at cement clinker and lime plants with automatic continuous monitoring devices to c...
Issue №1, 2021
Section: Ecology and safety
Keywords: pollutants, emissions, automatic monitoring system
Autor: E.A. Pankov, A.M. Kunizhev, A.G. Kulikov.
We have described the use of mobile expert system of automatic diagnostics "DIES" at cement industry enterprises, which is at foot of the ex...
Issue №4, 2020
Section: Automation of production
Keywords: maintenance, vibration monitoring, predictive maintenance
Autor: A.A. Myntsov, O.V. Myntsova, D.V. Sokolov.
The new working conditions associated with both the coronavirus and the general economic downturn are a serious challenge even for businesses with a c...
Issue №3, 2020
Section: Companies and firms
Keywords: remote monitoring, logistics, transportation
Autor: N. Velten.
Stationary air monitoring posts allow one to continuously receive information about its condition in real time, while the presence of operators at the...
Issue №1, 2020
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: gas analyser, monitoring, atmospheric air, pollutants
Autor: M.Y. Klemin.
Peculiarities of the transfer to the technological regulation in the field of environmental protection in the Russian Federation are described. The co...
Issue №6, 2018
Section: Ecology and safety
Keywords: Best Available Techniques, technological regulation, Integrated Environmental Permits, Environmental Performance Enhancement Programmes, environmental self-monitoring, marker parameters.
Autor: T.V. Guseva, , I.O. Tikhonova, Ye.N. Potapova.
Examples of using the modern technology of online monitoring of the technical condition of vertical roller mills for cement production offered by DALO...
Issue №1, 2017
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: online monitoring, vertical roller mill, predictive maintenance, vibrations, gearbox
Autor: F. Muschaweck.
The article considers solutions suggested by FLSmidth Automation that are directed at remote maintenance of the equipment and make it possible to opti...
Issue №5, 2009
Section: Automation of production
Keywords: FLSmidth, ECS / ProcessExpert System, finish grinding mill, auto-start, remote monitoring
Autor: J. Jacob.
Hollow microspheres of fly ash are free flowing fine powders obtained from waste ash of thermal power plants. The use of microspheres as fillers for c...
Issue №4, 2012
Section: Waste utilization
Keywords: lightweight filler, ash microspheres, monitoring, modification of surface, spheroconcrete, spherosorbents, ion-exchange compounds, radioactive wastes
Autor: L.D. Danilin, V.S. Drozhzhin, M.D. Kuvayev, S.A. Kulikov, N.V. Maksimova, V.I. Malinov, I.V. Pikulin, S.A. Redyushev, A.N. Khovrin.

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