
Despite the high level of competition and the growth of supply on the market
Region: Russia
In southern Alberta, Canada, road construction often requires the use of portable crushers and washers in the construction of road foundations
Region: Canada
Some European countries are implementing The PaperChain project. The goal within its framework is to recycle waste from the paper and pulp industry in Europe
Saint-Gobain completed the sale of two sales companies in Spain
Specialists of SLK Cement acted as certified experts in the demonstration exam (DE) according to the standards of the international association WorldSkills
Region: Russia
The head of the Latvian Construction Contractors Partnership, Gints Mikelsons, mentioned that the construction industry is now experiencing hard times
Region: Latvia
Scheduled repair work at the most important technological units was carried out in January-February at the Teploozersk Cement Plant
Region: Russia

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