
For the second month in a row, the Voskresensk Production Cluster CEMENTUM has shown record performance across key operation areas since the launch of the cluster
Region: Russia
Siberian Cement reports the results of work in the first half of the year 2024. From January to June, the holding's five cement plants produced almost 2.5 million tons of cement - 4 % more than in the first six months of 2023
Region: Russia
Together with Megaphone company, the equipment was installed and set up, which will allow real-time control of the main industrial emissions: dust, nitrogen, sulfur and carbon oxides
Region: Russia
Yakutcement started the 2024 navigation season by loading construction materials on two ships at once
Region: Russia
Recently, the demand for cement has been growing, while the capacity of railroads remains limited
Region: Russia
Topkinsk Cement (a subsidiary of Sibcem Holding Company) has completed preparations for the 2024 construction season
Region: Russia
In the recent history of AKKERMANN, the first half million tons of cement were produced at the Gornozavodsk plant in the shortest period of time
Region: Russia

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