03.12.2020 11:43

Cement Production In Belarus Declined in 10M 2020

In January-October 2020, enterprises of the Republic of Belarus produced 4.16 million tons of cement, which is 0.2 % less than in January-October 2019. The volume of cement production in October 2020 amounted to 411,300 tons, which is 3.1 % less than in October 2019 and 14.3 % less than in September 2020.

The volume of lime production in 10M 2020 increased by 1.8 % compared to the same period last year (up to 410,200 tons), and gypsum — by 65.8 % (up to 89,000 tons). The production volume of lime amounted to 47,400 tons in October, which is 5.3 % more compared to last October. The volume of gypsum production in October amounted to 8,400 tons, which is 4.6 % more than in October 2019.

Cement production volumes in Belarus have been steadily ahead of last year’s since the first quarter of this year, however, during the year, there has been a tendency for a slowdown. So the growth of cement production in March showed a 10.5 % YoY growth, by May it went down to 3.9 % YoY and just 1.3 % YoY in June.

In July, it became known that, in accordance with the decree of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction, came into force in Belarus as part of legislative reforms from September 2020 new building codes. In early November, the country also approved new standards for the protection of concrete structures and reinforced concrete products from corrosion.
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