21.07.2020 12:31

Ministry of Transport and Roads in Far East Russia Invests in Tourist Infrastructure

The Ministry of Transport and Roads of the Primorsky Territory has announced a tendering process for the construction of the road section in the city of Artem as a part of the major tourism development project. The road segment is part of the seventh sector of the “Primorye” tourism cluster and the initial cost of works under the contract is stated at RUB 263.7 million ($ 3,7 million as of July 21, 2020).

The work will be carried out at the expense of the regional and federal budgets within the framework of the state program "Development of the transport complex of the Primorsky Territory for 2020 - 2027". The initial contract price includes the costs of construction works, temporary structures, other limited costs, the cost of material resources, contingencies, 20 % VAT, contractor profits, taxes, fees, other mandatory payments and costs.

The tourist cluster "Primorye" is included in the draft federal target program for the development of domestic and inbound tourism for 2019-2025. The project has yet to finalize various infrastructure projects — from the construction of hotels and hotel complexes to utility buildings and a full-fledged road network. The total investment in the construction of the tourist cluster is expected to exceed RUB 25 billion ($ 352 million as of July 21, 2020) by 2025.

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