Conveyor labeled neutrons-based analyser AGP-K allows obtaining data on the elemental composition of the material on the conveyor belt every 40 se...
Issue №4, 2024 |
Section: Control of production |
Keywords: conveyor analyser, tagged neutron method, elemental analysis |
Autor: M.G. Sapozhnikov. |
A conveyor analyzer AGP-K is described, which operates by the tagged neutron method and makes it possible to obtain data on the elemental composition ...
Issue №3, 2022 |
Section: Control of production |
Keywords: conveyor analyser, tagged neutron method, elemental analysis |
Autor: M.G. Sapozhnikov. |
The characteristics of the AGP-K in-stream analyzer ope rating by the tagged neutron method are discussed. The analyzer makes it possible to obtain d...
Issue №6, 2021 |
Section: Control of production |
Keywords: conveyor analyser, tagged neutron method, elemental analysis |
Autor: M.G. Sapozhnikov. |
The article discusses a new method for determining the elemental composition of a substance —the method of tagged neutrons (MTN). Compared to ...
Issue №2, 2020 |
Section: Control of production |
Keywords: Tagged Neutron Method, neutron generator, elemental analysis, on-stream analyser, cement production, raw materials for cement |
Autor: M.G. Sapozhnikov. |
Stationary air monitoring posts allow one to continuously receive information about its condition in real time, while the presence of operators at the...
Issue №1, 2020 |
Section: Equipment and technology |
Keywords: gas analyser, monitoring, atmospheric air, pollutants |
Autor: M.Y. Klemin. |
This article describes the KilnLoq analyzer, developed by FLSmidth Gas Analysis Technology allowing to determine the composition of flue gases at
the ...
Issue №4, 2016 |
Section: Ecology and safety |
Keywords: gas analyser, gas sampling probe, exhaust gases |
Autor: A. Adamenko,, C. Markussen. |
The article describes a new gas analyser for prompt determination of the CO content in smoke gases with a high dust content developed by the Danish co...
Issue №4, 2009 |
Section: Ecology and safety |
Keywords: gas analyser, carbon monoxide, tests, fuel gases, industrial safety |
Autor: K.B. Floor. |
The article considers a line analyser of chemical materials composition - CNA™ Evolution produced by the French company EADS Sodern and using an elect...
Issue №6, 2009 |
Section: Presentation |
Keywords: raw material, composition of elements, neutron source, analyser |
Autor: K. Lebedev. |
This article describes production and quality control procedures at the Nesher Ramle cement plant, Israel. The modern analytical equipment and regular...
Issue №2, 2015 |
Section: Control of production |
Keywords: cement, control, quality, analyser |
Autor: V. Isayev. |