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The article considers the possibility of obtaining Portland cement clinker from limestone and diabase-porphyritic wastes of Karakalpakstan generated i...
Issue №1
Section: Science and production
Keywords: diabase, porphyrite, crushed stone, screening, saturation coefficient, silicate module, firing, clinker, mineral formation, Portland cement, setting period, strength
Autor: Zh.B. Nazhimov,, A.M. Khozhabaev, H.L. Usmanov, Z.R. Kadyrova.
Lime plaster and masonry dry mixtures are widely used to restore architectural monuments. The use of air-hardening lime as a binder is necessary not o...
Issue №5, 2021
Section: Science and production
Keywords: lime, dry mortar, acceleration of setting
Autor: S.A. Cherevko, A.M. Kharitonov, Y.V. Pukharenko, Y.P. Panibratov, T.M. Petrova.
The principle of operation of the Ultrasonic IP 8 system, developed by Ultratest (Germany) and supplied to Russia by OOO RVS, is based on meas...
Issue №5, 2019
Section: Control of production
Keywords: cement testing, setting time, dynamic Young's modulus
Autor: A.V. Gerasimov, I.S. Lisitsyna.
Zinc is a well-known retarder of cement setting. In the paper the results of investigation of the influence of zinc content in a kiln feed are present...
Issue №2, 2018
Section: Science and production
Keywords: cement, clinker, zinc, burning, strength, setting
Autor: P. Zajd, E. Jelito, W. Kurdowski.
The polymeric structure of a number of industrial dry polycarboxylate plasticizers produced at present was studied using NMR spectroscopy. The effect ...
Issue №2, 2018
Section: Science and production
Keywords: polycarboxylate plasticizers, structure, NMR spectroscopy, Portland cement, cement paste, workability, setting time, metakaolin, silica fume
Autor: A.S. Brykov, A.S. Panfilov, I.N. Medvedeva, M.V. Mokeev.
Calcium sulfoaluminate cements, first developed commercially in China in the 1970’s, are being investigated as an alternative to traditional Portland ...
Issue №6, 2016
Section: Science and production
Keywords: sulfoaluminate, calcium sulfate, setting time, calorimetry, SEM
Autor: S. Skalamprinos, M. Whitaker, G. Jen, I. Galan, M.S. Imbabi, F.P. Glasser.
The influence of pyrocatechin on hydration of Portland cement in dosages of 0.02-0.1% by weight was investigated by solid-state NMR spectroscopy o...
Issue №6, 2016
Section: Science and production
Keywords: pyrocatechin, Portland cement, hydration, setting, ettringite, NMR spectroscop
Autor: A.S. Brykov, N.S. Paritskaya, M.V. Mokeev.
Effect of polycarboxylate plasticizers (superplasticizers) from different vendors on the properties of plaster and gypsum stone was examined
Issue №6, 2016
Section: Science and production
Keywords: superplasticizer, plaster, self leveling floor, setting time
Autor: I.N. Medvedeva, A.S. Panfilov, D.M. Aleshunin, M.E. Voronkov.
In 2005, Czech Skanska in collaboration with MC-Bauchemie started developing rapid-hardening concrete for the fastest possible replacement of the exis...
Issue №6, 2015
Section: Concrete
Keywords: airport, speed of repair, concrete roads, "fast-setting concretes", repairs of cement concrete pavements
Autor: J. Srutka, M. Sapik.
The phase formation during hydration of quicksetting mortars based on Portland cement, aluminate cement and calcium sulphate with various organic addi...
Issue №4, 2015
Section: Science and production
Keywords: rapid setting mortar, hydration, phase development, length change
Autor: T. Westphal, T.A. Bier.

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