
The revenue of the company decreased by 1.0 % YoY, down to EUR 896.8 million.
Region: Italy
The volume of cement production in 9M 2020 increased by 25.4 % YoY.
Region: Armenia
Strong cash generation and CapEx optimization led to a 18.7 % YoY net debt reduction.
Region: Germany
Gypsum production in Azerbaijan in January-September is up by 78.8 % YoY.
Region: Azerbaijan
Lime production volume increased by 2.6 % in January-September to 1.73 million tons.
Region: Ukraine
RMC production in 9M 2020 decreased by 21.6 % YoY, to 423,100 tons.
Region: Kyrgyzstan
Cement production in August showed a slight decrease of 1,4 %.
Region: Kyrgyzstan

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