A technique for studying the hydration processes of cement compositions has been developed using semi-adiabatic calorimetry. The pilot plant with remo...
Issue №4, 2023 |
Section: Concrete |
Keywords: semi-adiabatic calorimetry, hydration of cement, compatibility of additives, laboratory installation |
Autor: V.A. Beregovoy, I.Y. Lavrov. |
The article presents a review of the presentations made at Cemtech Conference held in Berlin, Germany, on September 30 — October 2, 2019.
Issue №5, 2019 |
Section: Events |
Keywords: conference, seminar, exhibition |
KHD Humboldt Wedag/ZAB Zementanlagenbau Dessau (Germany) supplied the Volsky cement plant (part of the LafargeHolcim group) with equip...
Issue №5, 2018 |
Section: Equipment and technology |
Keywords: clinker production, process line, semi-wet process, press filter. |
Autor: Ye.V. Shchegolyaev. |
Czech MZP completed work on the replacement of a cement ball mill in a tight working space in the grinding shop at the Prachovice cement plant placed ...
Issue №5, 2018 |
Section: Equipment and technology |
Keywords: ball mill, cement grinding, assembling. |
Autor: P. Zbozinek. |
Nowadays, efficient crushing plants can be found in every mining operations of every modern cement works. During past decades, for economic reasons, c...
Issue №5, 2017 |
Section: Equipment and technology |
Keywords: stationary crushing plant, semi-mobile crushing plant, quarry, cement plant |
Autor: T. Fischer. |
Calcium sulfoaluminate cements, first developed commercially in China in the 1970’s, are being investigated as an alternative to traditional Portland ...
Issue №6, 2016 |
Section: Science and production |
Keywords: sulfoaluminate, calcium sulfate, setting time, calorimetry, SEM |
Autor: S. Skalamprinos, M. Whitaker, G. Jen, I. Galan, M.S. Imbabi, F.P. Glasser. |
The article analyses the performance of rotary kiln recuperators at Garadagh cement plant and points out its disadvantages. Further, it describes the ...
Issue №4, 2007 |
Section: Science and production |
Keywords: Fundiciones del Estanda, modernization, recuperative heat exchanger, assembling, projects |
Autor: M. Vlastnik. |
The article, devoted to the anniversary o ZAO Novoros-Cemremont, considers the role of this enterprise in today’s structure of the Russian cement indu...
Issue №1, 2007 |
Section: Jubilees |
Keywords: Novoros-Cemremont, assembling, modernization, reconstruction |
The article describes specialized scientific-practical seminar devoted to X-Ray methods’ applications for cement industry.
Issue №1, 2008 |
Section: Conferences, seminars, exhibitions |
Keywords: diffraction, staging, chemical analysis, fluid content, reports, seminar |
Autor: Ye.V. Tekuchyova. |
Various methods and their classification variants are considered for Portland cement clinker manufacture based on chalk as the raw material. Possibili...
Issue №4, 2010 |
Section: Equipment and technology |
Keywords: chalk; slurry; wet, semi-wet, semi-dry, dry process; rotary kiln; cyclone preheater; modernization of cement industry |
Autor: M. Kapphahn. |