Concrete road pavements have an increased dura-bility. In Russia and many other countries the share of roads with such pavements in the total length o...
Issue №2, 2022 |
Section: Application of cement |
Keywords: concrete pavement, road, cement, concrete |
Autor: A.I. Poltoyainen. |
This article studies the abrasion of cement concrete coatings due to of studded rubber impact. It is shown that the abrasion resistance of the con...
Issue №2, 2021 |
Section: Concrete |
Keywords: cement concrete pavement, concrete, coarse aggregate, wear resistance |
Autor: V.V. Ushakov, O.A. Agaryshev, A. Eckert. |
The share of cement concrete paved roads in Russia is less than 0.1% from the total length of road networks in the country. The benefits of such r...
Issue №1, 2021 |
Section: Review |
Keywords: concrete, road, concrete pavement |
Autor: S.S. Khitrov. |
The basic assessment of cement concrete pavement condition is performed by a visual inspection, when the surface faults which are macroscopically dist...
Issue №4, 2019 |
Section: Concrete |
Keywords: cement concrete pavement, petrographic analysis, scanning electron microscope, energy-dispersive X‑ray spectroscopy |
Autor: A. Frybort, J. Stulirova, J. Grosek. |
The paper describes a way of testing concrete pavement structure conditions. Analyses are performed on cores taken from motorway pavements of differen...
Issue №6, 2018 |
Section: Concrete |
Keywords: concrete pavement, degradation, alkali-silica reaction, scanning electron microscope, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, petrography. |
Autor: J. Stryk, J. Stulirova, A. Frybort, M. Gregerova. |
Pervious concrete is a porous concrete paving material which permits rain and storm water runoff to percolate through it rather than flood surrounding...
Issue №4, 2018 |
Section: Concrete |
Keywords: pervious concrete pavements, road shoulder stabilisation, rural roads, sustainable pavements, railroad tracks. |
Autor: R. Bachmann. |
The cement industry of the Republic of Belarus managed to radically modernize and develop its capacities over the past 15 years. The development of th...
Issue №3, 2018 |
Section: Review |
Keywords: cement production, consumption, alternative fuels, concrete pavement |
Autor: A.N. Sidorov. |
On June 19-22, 2018 in Berlin, under the auspices of the German “InformationsZentrum Beton” and EUPAVE 13th International Symposium on Concrete Roads ...
Issue №3, 2018 |
Section: Conferences, seminars, exhibitions |
Keywords: road, concrete pavement, durability |
Conference "Cement Concrete Pavements of Russia s Motorways: Trends and Growth Areas" was held on November 21 in Moscow. An overview of the ...
Issue №5, 2017 |
Section: Conferences, seminars, exhibitions |
Keywords: Concrete Pavement Association, concrete pavements, concrete roads, conference |
In 2005, Czech Skanska in collaboration with MC-Bauchemie started developing rapid-hardening concrete for the fastest possible replacement of the exis...
Issue №6, 2015 |
Section: Concrete |
Keywords: airport, speed of repair, concrete roads, "fast-setting concretes", repairs of cement concrete pavements |
Autor: J. Srutka, M. Sapik. |