Industrial cement production in Germany has started in the middle of the 19th century. Over the years the cement production in Germany has further dev...
Issue №2, 2020 |
Section: Review |
Keywords: cement production, cement market, energy efficiency, export, import, clinker factor, alternative fuels, CO₂ emissions reduction |
Autor: M. Schneider, D. Behrouzi. |
The cement plants of the near future are described. Their characteristic features will be a much more efficient use of resources and energy (inclu...
Issue №1, 2020 |
Section: Ecology and safety |
Keywords: cement plant, energy efficiency, CO2 emissions, alternative fuels and raw materials, automation, digitization |
Autor: F. Leitao. |
In 2019, one of the largest manufacturers of cement in Siberia, AO Iskitimcement was included in the list of companies that were the first in the coun...
Issue №1, 2020 |
Section: Ecology and safety |
Keywords: cement production, complex ecological permits, environment protection, ecological efficiency |
Autor: V.P. Skakun. |
Basic refractory linings for cement rotary kiln contain additionally to magnesia an additive that improves the brick flexibility. These additives that...
Issue №1, 2020 |
Section: Ecology and safety |
Keywords: cement production, complex ecological permits, environment protection, ecological efficiency |
Autor: M. Geith, S. Joerg, R. Krischanitz. |
A promising way to increase the efficiency of cement production and reduce operation costs is to use low-grade heat to generate electricity for the fa...
Issue №1, 2020 |
Section: Equipment and technology |
Keywords: waste heat recovery, WHR, organic Rankine cycle, ORC, electrical power generation, energy efficiency |
Autor: M. Rovetta. |
During the modernization of two cement mills by Magotteaux S.A. (Belgium) at OOO Dyckerhoff Korkino Cement, a plant of SLK Cement managed as p...
Issue №6, 2019 |
Section: Equipment and technology |
Keywords: cement mill, mill internals, ball charges, energy efficiency |
Autor: A. Larin, S. Stavrou. |
Main factors of the effective performance of flue gas cooling systems with complete water evaporation are considered. An example of the modernization ...
Issue №6, 2019 |
Section: Ecology and safety |
Keywords: cooling tower, spray nozzle, emission reduction, energy efficiency |
Autor: J. Keune, A.A. Chernykh. |
The paper describes the principles of operation, design features and operational characteristics of the 5th generation high-performance no-spill ETA d...
Issue №4, 2019 |
Section: Application of cement |
Keywords: clinker cooler, energy efficiency, heat recuperation |
Autor: W. Telle, D.V. Bakeyev. |
The next decades in India are dedicated to an unprec- edented growth to be unleashed by rising middle class, their reasonable expectations of improved...
Issue №1, 2019 |
Section: Companies and firms |
Keywords: cement industry, cement production, economic growth, sustainable development, energy efficiency, CO2 emission, waste utilization. |
Autor: A. Pahuja, A. Badola. |
The paper describes the main advantages of Cat 772 mining dump truck manufactured by Caterpillar®, OOO Zeppelin Rusland being its official dealer in t...
Issue №1, 2019 |
Section: Equipment and technology |
Keywords: quarry, mining, mined rock transportation, rigid dump truck, transportation efficiency, cost value. |
Autor: A.A. Minin. |