
In the first half of 2021, the company's five cement plants produced 2.2 million tons of cement - 1% more than in January-June 2020.
Region: Russia
Programs to reduce the impact on the environment are being implemented at all plants of the holding
Region: Russia
Production facilities have carried out scheduled repairs of equipment, the technical condition of units and mechanisms has been checked
Region: Russia
From January to March, five cement plants of the holding produced almost 723.2 thousand tons of cement
Region: Russia
The best YoY result was reported by Krasnoyarsk Cement, showing an increase of 3 %.
Region: Russia
The costs of the project amounted to RUB 28.3 million.
Region: Russia
Sulfate-resistant cement of the plant entered the list of "100 best goods of Russia".
Region: Russia

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