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One of the worlds leading manufacturers of industrial gas cleaning materials, BWF Envirotec, headquartered in Offingen, Germany, has developed and lau...
Issue №5, 2018
Section: Ecology and safety
Keywords: gas cleaning, baghouse, ceramic filter cell, NOx emission.
Autor: J. Lauer.
A technology has been developed that utilizes CO2 in concrete curing to improve the concrete properties. This process has been commercialized and is i...
Issue №4, 2018
Section: Ecology and safety
Keywords: carbon capture, carbon utilization, emissions, cement, concrete.
Autor: J. Kline, C. Kline.
A number of cement companies implemented initiatives aimed at maximum energy efficiency and increased use of alternative fuels, which led to a higher ...
Issue №3, 2018
Section: Ecology and safety
Keywords: cement production, CO2 emissions, environmental legislation, production cost, capacity utilisation rate, clinker substitution
Autor: T. Pavlopoulos.
Construction sector is large, multi-dimensional and predominant user of natural resources and energy. It is also responsible for emission of a large q...
Issue №2, 2018
Section: Ecology and safety
Keywords: construction, cement, concrete, CO2 emissions, natural resources, energy consumption.
Autor: A.K. Chatterjee.
Various types of KHD PYROCLON® calciners from German KHD Humboldt Wedag (KHD) and the modular design of this system are described. The standar...
Issue №1, 2018
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: calciner, module construction, fuel combustion, NOx emission, alternative fuels.
Autor: H. Schuermann, N. Streit.
The advantages of using alternative fuels at cement plants are shown. The earlier the cement producer starts the project of partial replacement of fos...
Issue №4, 2017
Section: Waste utilization
Keywords: alternative fuels, waste, CO2 emissions
Autor: J.Kline, C. Kline.
A variety of solutions used by Bedeschi S.p.A., Italy, for their ship loaders reducing dust emissions during the loading of bulk materials are describ...
Issue №3, 2017
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: bulk materials loading, shiploader, dust emission abatement.
Autor: P. de Michieli.
The systems of selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) used in the cement industry, allowing to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx&...
Issue №2, 2017
Section: Ecology and safety
Keywords: emission, nitrogen oxides, selective non-catalytic reduction, ammonia, urea
Autor: C. Kline, J. Kline.
Different strategies for the production of cementitious materials on the basis of mineralogical argumentations are described. Besides optimization of ...
Issue №2, 2016
Section: Ecology and safety
Keywords: cement production, CO2 emission, replacement of clinker, composite cements
Autor: Pöllmann H.
In the article the basic avenues for improving the state control system of regulation of pollutant emission into the air are considered. The key provi...
Issue №3, 2016
Section: Ecology and safety
Keywords: environment protection, pollution emissions, the best available technologies
Autor: O.V. Dvinyanina, V.S. Panfilov.

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