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Cost reduction is a constant challenge for cement plant operators. Indeed, there are several opportunities to optimize their production cost. This art...
Issue №1, 2021
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: production costs reduction, maintenance, process optimization
Autor: K. Eichas.
Cost reduction is a constant challenge for cement plant operators. Indeed, there are several opportunities to optimize their production cost. This art...
Issue №1, 2021
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: production costs reduction, maintenance, process optimization
Autor: K. Eichas.
The new design of the air mechanism for pneumatic chamber pumps (PCP), designed to work as a part of pneumatic conveying lines of fine-grained...
Issue №6, 2019
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: pneumatic conveying, pneumatic chamber pump, optimization
Autor: V.S. Bogdanov, A.V. Gavrilenko, D.V. Bogdanov, Y.V. Gavrilenko.
KIMA Echtzeitsysteme (Germany) decided almost 20 years back to develop the fill-level measurement called SmartFillTM which is based on structu...
Issue №1, 2018
Section: Automation of production
Keywords: grinding, cement, ball mill, energy efficiency, fill level, process control, expert systems, optimization, automation.
Autor: D. Schmidt.
The importance of adapting the existing standard objectives and practices of cement producing companies to the local conditions is discussed in the pa...
Issue №6, 2016
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: process optimization, in-house standard, personnel training
Autor: M. Mutter, L. Evans.
The article reviews a new version of ECS/ProcessExpert 8.3 software from FLSmidth Automation, a process control system for cement production
Issue №6, 2016
Section: Automation of production
Keywords: cement production, process control, optimization, automation, product quality
Autor: K. Becerra.
The paper is devoted to optimization (including using computational aerodynamics) of the conditions for solid fuel combustion in rotary kilns....
Issue №5, 2016
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: solid fuels burning, burning optimization, CO, NOx, sulfur circulation
Autor: T. Lowes, J. Bretz, L. Evans.
The main trends concerning grinding processes in the cement industry are still higher efficiency, reduction of the power consumption and system simpli...
Issue №4, 2015
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: grinding optimization, ball mill, vertical roller mill (VRM), high pressure grinding rolls (HPGR), horizontal roller mill
Autor: K. Eichas.
The A TEC Company presentation describes the company history. its products and services it provides.
Issue №3, 2007
Section: Presentation
Keywords: project planning, optimization, history, cement plants
The article examines the role of a well-qualified consultant at implementation of projects involving construction of new cement plants and modernizati...
Issue №4, 2008
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: consulting, feasibility study design, project structure, optimization
Autor: W. Zieri.

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